Atomic, natural, social and technological risks are pushing more individuals to invest in a fallout shelter. Indeed, the need to build a risk prevention plan is becoming more and more urgent. In view of the increasing number of risks that we will have to face, we develop here the different risks of using a fallout shelter and how to prepare for them.

Indeed, the latest announcements are no less chilling than the older announcements. Not only do we face major nuclear and ecological risks as well as risks of civil war. Moreover, we are even talking about the third world war. Not to mention the risks of contamination as we have had in recent years.

So how can you calmly resist the turmoil and shelter your whole family? But above all, how to do it well?

Why invest in a fallout shelter?

For all buyers of shelters, the major risks linked to global warming are no longer a problem. Putin's threats and other epidemics that may arise no longer represent a danger. Moreover, in terms of security, it offers the best equipment specially designed to deliver optimal protection against all the anti-atomic risks that threaten the surface of the earth.

Building an atomic bunker is undoubtedly one of the best investments you can make for your survival!

Device based on military standards, it has an armored door capable of withstanding explosions and any weapon system.

It allows to protection against atomic explosions, and air contamination thanks to filtration devices that prevent any particles of dust or chemical components from entering the bunker.

The luxury of the bunker is also to be able to create a comfortable room in order to keep morale up during a long confinement. In addition, our fallout shelters are delivered as a kit with all the furniture. Then, you are free to add your most essential personal effects in the event of a major crisis. 

bunker blueprint
NBC filter
reinforced door

Thanks to the underground bunker, you benefit from high-performance security. Indeed, our fallout shelters are designed to withstand radioactive emissions, nuclear explosions and any war scenario. Your private fallout shelter will ensure your safety in all circumstances.

What are the risks of having to use a fallout shelter?

Thanks to an anti-atomic bunker, you benefit from high-performance security. Built to withstand radioactive emissions, nuclear explosions and any war scenario. Your private fallout shelter will ensure your safety in all circumstances.

The instantaneous risks of having to use a fallout shelter:

The progressive dangers:

Secondary threats:

Nuclear Hazard - Surviving an Attack

Can we foresee a near end of the world? Or a nuclear war? Of course not, however, current global conditions are not there to reassure us.

What is in our power is to offer you a bunker that can protect you against the risk of nuclear explosions. Can we survive a nuclear explosion? Clearly, if you don't have protection CBRN-E, you have very little chance of survival. The power grid would be cut and the internet would also no longer work. A nuclear attack would therefore have very significant repercussions. 

The situation in Ukraine necessarily speaks to us. Indeed, the cities of Chernobyl and Zaporijia are taken by storm by Russia. The current news is enough to make all the countries of Europe tremble in the face of nuclear risks.

atomic bomb

The Risks of Using a Fallout Shelter Related to the Scope of a Nuclear Disaster…

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe. In all, Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors, enough to destroy the whole of Europe with a single explosion. The Chernobyl plant, an area contaminated and uninhabited since the incidents of 86, is now taken by the Russian army. Similarly, the Kharkiv Institute in Ukraine, which contains an experimental reactor loaded with nuclear fuel, was attacked. Moreover, if we look at the facts at the global level, the nuclear risk remains immense and seems to concern almost all the countries of the world.

In the event of a nuclear accident, the protection of civil and military installations is far too limited to fully address the problem.

According to a recent study, France has a fairly large nuclear fleet with nearly 18 power plants in operation, for 56 nuclear reactors throughout the territory. The most affected regions are Auvergne and the Grand-Est. We can cite just behind the center of the Loire Valley and Normandy. And these are not the only regions. 

Since a nuclear disaster can extend up to 300 km, there is a high chance of being in daily danger from the risks of nuclear accidents. Some countries such as Norway and Germany have nearly 40 % of its population possessing a shelter in the event of an atomic accident. Sweden has 70 % and Switzerland 100 %, it is the country with the most. Because in Switzerland, safety is a matter of priority.

In France, awareness is gradually being raised and more and more people are investing in private fallout shelters to ensure their protection.

Biohazard - Survive Deadly Biological Agents

The diseases that appear in humans come mainly from biological agents. Present in the environment, it is therefore difficult to avoid these risks, if the atmospheric air that we breathe is polluted.

To prevent various serious illnesses or military chemical agents, provide yourself with a shelter capable of protecting you against the risks of contamination.

Indeed, NBC filtration systems offer you complete protection against biological agents present in the air. Different levels of filtration can be modulated according to the geographical location of the confidential location of your fallout shelter. 

Risk of contamination - Optimum protection

Epidemics have always been part of humanity. Since ancient times, the whole world has faced epidemics. From the plague, to the flu, to cholera and to Covid 19, for a millennium, almost every generation can "brag" of having faced a global pandemic.

In the old days, protective shelters were reserved for a category of the population. Based on military standards, in fact, only very wealthy people could be interested in the bunker. Or the people who have faced very close to an unprecedented contamination.

Today, fallout shelters are growing in popularity and many individuals are purchasing them. Indeed, it is not only a shield of war, it is a protection against all the risks that we face on a daily basis.

contamination protection

Danger of war - Protect yourself in the event of a major conflict

The Ukrainian conflict makes us all shudder, as Russia is in full swing with atrocious crimes. As a result, the risk of a Third World War is on the minds of much of the world's population.

Operating nuclear power plants like Zaporizhia stormed by the Russian army impose constant insecurity for all of Europe. It is noted that our attention is currently turning to the situation in Europe. However, the tense situation between China and the USA is no less worrying. Nuclear war, nuclear attack, bombings, a whole host of threats that the fallout shelter can protect against.


It is always difficult to predict whether the country in which we live could be directly or indirectly involved in a conflict. However, one thing is certain, current military technologies make it possible to extend combat zones and the range of attacks. It may also be that a country is therefore forced to get involved in a conflict despite its initial desire to stay out of it. That is to say, the ultra-liberal world in which we live generates economic links and commercial partnerships which may require military intervention in order to be protected.

That's why, with a proper fallout shelter, in the event of a military runaway, you'll have a full protection for several months.

We offer individual solutions for the construction or fitting out of your fallout shelter. Our bunkers meet the highest standards.

Social dangers - Surviving attacks

fallout shelter

The terrorist threat has been present for many years and requires all populations to be vigilant. We live in a world of war between religions, ideas and patriotism. Indeed, there is enough to anger some people to the point of causing damage without worrying about the presence of innocent people. Therefore, an underground shelter is a way to escape discreetly to a safe haven from the risks associated with social factors and the situation in the country concerned.

Moreover, social uprisings are more and more numerous in the world. Social revolt made itself felt and it was not uncommon for the term “civil war” to be used during television news. Consequently, the risks of using a fallout shelter in the event of a social uprising will be a major risk in the years to come and must be taken into consideration.

So if the world degenerates, you have enough to survive the shock!

Climatic hazards are also part of the risks that would require the use of a fallout shelter.

In terms of ecology, we face a degradation of the ecosystem soaring. Indeed, the risks incurred are serious for the survival of the human species, but many still seem to ignore the problem.

First, global warming is felt at high speed, when in certain regions where it is usually cold in December, temperatures have reached 22°.

Then, the disappearance of certain species of all kinds gives way to a fall in biodiversity, which is critical. Indeed, by 2050, nearly 40 % of this biodiversity should disappear. However, despite latest climate reports, no one seems to realize the seriousness of the situation.

In addition, we cannot omit erosion, the reduction of organic matter and pollution, which constitute a serious danger for wildlife. Land degradation and all over the world is bringing us to a more arid land. The risks of fires and droughts in high season could be omnipresent in the years to come. This drought leads to the death of plants and trees, whose usefulness is to absorb atmospheric gas, the main driver of climate change.

For this reason, storms, floods, tornadoes and earthquakes could be more and more frequent. So to protect yourself from the deadliest weather, you can install a fallout shelter in your garden and ensure the safety of your whole family in case of immediate danger.

tornado fallout shelter

Threat of crime - Protect yourself from banditry

The atomic survivalist bunker has the ability to protect against all criminal risks. The crime rate in France has been on the rise in recent years. Aggression, intrusion, vandalism, theft and violent crimes are very present risks that can be faced thanks to fallout shelters.

These have the ability to provide discretion and security, in case you are attacked. If you have valuables in your home, the bunker will function as a safe without any problem.

The risks of using a fallout shelter

Organized crime and terrorism have been showing an enhanced presence for many years. Although you pose no threat, it may be in your interest to invest in a bunker because you know that 0 risk does not exist. The fallout shelter protects against all firearms and weapons of mass destruction.

Combined with a powerful level of breach detection, quick and easy access to your bunker is an undeniable asset of our kit solutions.

Industrial Threat - Protect yourself from chemicals

In the event of a disaster of nuclear chemical origin, our CBRN-E civil protection shelters present themselves as a massive weapon of protection for all occupants. Explosion of chemical agents or fires, a chemical accident can occur at any time.

Indeed, in a country where many companies constitute high-risk industrial sites. These so-called “polluting” companies participate in the production of chemicals and significant hazardous waste.

fallout shelter biohazard

If an accident occurs, the entire perimeter takes the risk of inhaling the quality of radioactive chemicals present in the air. Sometimes even without knowing it, and in particular in certain areas, you are constantly exposing yourself to radioactivity. These permanent exposures give rise to the risk of serious illnesses, cancers and causing various incurable abnormalities, especially in children.

To protect your children, and to protect yourself, the solution is to install or build a fallout shelter a few meters from your house. Underground and protected by an ultra-efficient NBC filter so as not to let anything through, it can be an almost permanent refuge.

Use fallout shelter in case of electromagnetic threats

Electrosensitivity has been an emerging disease for several years. Indeed, the majority of the population is exposed to electromagnetic waves almost permanently. What causes fatigue, anxiety, concentration problems, skin problems, dizziness and the majority does not determine the real cause of the problem.

We hear more and more the term electromagnetic bomb. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb is nothing but a nuclear attack. It is a type of nuclear bomb that is detonated much higher in the atmosphere with the aim of destroying a country's electronic networks. In the event of a prolonged general outage of the electrical systems, the situation could quickly become explosive within the population.

To counter this, it is also possible to take refuge in its fallout shelter. Thus, get out of the magnetic field and wait until the electrical networks can be restored. 

Our different types of bunker meet all the risks that could arise in the years to come. A simple, effective and affordable solution.

Using a fallout shelter to keep yourself and your family safe

About six out of ten believe that civilization is doomed. Some talk about collapse, cold war, civil war, and if we look at the facts, this type of belief is completely legitimate. The risks to use a fallout shelter for a period of time, have never been so numerous.

How to protect yourself from a total collapse? By getting a shelter of optimal protection that not only protects you, but ensures you comfort almost like at home.

The fallout shelter makes it possible to store numerous storage spaces, to have functional parts and to protect itself from any weapon or surrounding radioactivity. Our bunkers have practical furniture and amenities that allow you to get comfortable in complete safety and invisibility.

The dream place of future buyers is in the bunkers, somewhat special desires, but in line with the turn of world events

Is it possible to live permanently in a bunker?

What are called cyber houses represent for some people, like Elon Musk, the future of future acquisitions. If it is still difficult to say that living in an anti-atomic bunker permanently is comfortable on all points, the near future as well as the evolution and popularization of this survivalist product can quickly show us the opposite. 

The risks of using a fallout shelter are many. the bunker initially offers the possibility of having a plan B for all occasions. To protect themselves from possible possible crimes and to protect their most precious possessions. It is more than optimal protection, it is also a second roof, a refuge, a cyber home.

fallout shelter

Our turnkey fallout shelter solutions!

in complete kit

A turnkey solution
OF THE  869.- Monthly
  • From 11m2 to 30m2
  • Full equipment
  • CBRN-E protection level
  • Installation of the bunker included

From CHF 78,000.-


A tailor-made layout
OF THE  553.- Monthly
  • Surface according to the configuration of the premises
  • Complete setup
  • CBRN-E protection level
  • All work included

From CHF 50,000.-

Social risks

The terrorist threat has been present for many years and requires all populations to be vigilant. We live in a world of war between religions, ideas and patriotism. Indeed, there is enough to anger some people to the point of causing damage without worrying about the presence of innocent people. Therefore, a shelter is a way to escape discreetly to a safe haven.

Moreover, social uprisings are more and more numerous in the world. Social revolt made itself felt and it was not uncommon for the term “civil war” to be used during television news. Consequently, the risks of using a fallout shelter in the event of a social uprising will be a major risk in the years to come and must be taken into consideration.

So if the world degenerates, you have enough to survive the shock!

Electromagnetic risk

fallout shelter

We hear more and more the term electromagnetic bomb. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb is nothing but a nuclear attack. It is a type of nuclear bomb that is detonated much higher in the atmosphere with the aim of destroying a country's electronic networks.

In the event of a prolonged general outage of the electrical systems, the situation could quickly become explosive within the population.

More generally, electrosensitivity has been an emerging disease for several years. Indeed, the majority of the population is exposed to electromagnetic waves almost permanently.

To counter this, it is also possible to take refuge in its fallout shelter. Thus, get out of the magnetic field and wait until the electrical networks can be restored.

Climate risks

risks of using a fallout shelter

In terms of ecology, we face a degradation of the ecosystem soaring. Indeed, the risks incurred are serious for the survival of the human species, but many still seem to ignore the problem.

First of all, global warming is felt at high speed, when in certain regions where it is usually cold in December, temperatures have reached 22°. Then, the disappearance of certain species of all kinds gives way to a fall in biodiversity, which is critical. By 2050, nearly 40 % of this biodiversity should disappear. 

Storms, floods, tornadoes and earthquakes are becoming more frequent. To protect against the deadliest weather, installing a shelter ensures the safety of your entire family in the event of immediate danger.

Chemical risks

risks of using a fallout shelter

In the event of a chemical disaster, our NBC civil protection shelters present themselves as a massive weapon of protection for all occupants. Explosion of chemical agents or fires, a chemical accident can occur at any time.

Indeed, the many companies are high-risk industrial sites. These so-called “polluting” companies participate in the production of chemicals and significant hazardous waste.

If an accident occurs, the entire perimeter takes the risk of inhaling chemicals present in the air. These permanent exposures give rise to the risk of serious illnesses which can cause various incurable abnormalities, especially in children. Our NBC shelter systems are designed and built to protect you for the long term. 


risks of using a fallout shelter

The diseases that appear in humans come mainly from biological agents. Present in the environment, it is therefore difficult to avoid these risks, if the atmospheric air that we breathe is polluted.

To prevent various serious illnesses or military chemical agents, provide yourself with a shelter capable of protecting you against the risks of contamination.

Indeed, NBC filtration systems offer you complete protection against biological agents present in the air. Different levels of filtration can be modulated according to the geographical location of the confidential location of your fallout shelter. 

Nuclear risk

atomic bomb

Can we foresee a near end of the world? Or a nuclear war? Of course not, however, current global conditions are not there to reassure us.

What is in our power is to offer you a bunker that can protect you against the risk of nuclear explosions. Can we survive a nuclear explosion? Clearly, if you don't have NBC protection, you have very little chance of survival. The electricity network would be cut off and the Internet would also no longer work. A nuclear attack would therefore have very significant repercussions.

The situation in Ukraine necessarily speaks to us. Indeed, the cities of Chernobyl and Zaporijia are taken by storm by Russia. The current news is enough to make all the countries of Europe tremble in the face of nuclear risks.


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